Featured Articles
‘Portland Chamber Music’ returns to Woodstock for benefit concert
”… classical music aficionados made their way into Woodstock’s All Saints Episcopal Church for a concert …”
May 13, 2023, David F. Ashton, The Bee
Chamber Music concert in Woodstock to 'Stand With Ukraine'
”A church in Woodstock opened its doors for a concert in support of the people of Ukraine.”
June 04, 2022, Elizabeth Ussher Groff, The Bee
Portland Chamber Music ends season in Woodstock
"A popular local concert ensemble chooses Inner Southeast to end its music season"
June 30, 2018, David F. Ashton, The Bee
'Portland Chamber Music' ensemble features Woodstock composer
"On Saturday, March 3, a concert entitled "Immigrant Composers: Inspiring Diversity" included a composition by Woodstock resident Antonio Freixas, a Cuban-American composer."
March 30, 2018, Elizabeth Ussher Groff, The Bee
Bright Voices of the Darkest Hour: Music and the Holocaust
February 25, 2017, Deborah Moon, Oregon Jewish Life
A Remarkable Journey Remakes the Classical Music Canon
Portland Chamber Music's Anya Kalina on the Importance of African American Women Composers.
February 24, 2016, Robert Ham, The Portland Mercury
Portland Chamber Music Group Plays for the People
December 7, 2012, Janet Goetze, The Oregonian